Happy Birthday my Panda friend! You may deny it, but you know that you are still a FAT, FAT, PANDA! :D
3 years already right? We've been in the same class for so long.And it was awesome that you were sitting next to me this year cause I could tell you stories and make fun of you so that I won't feel bored during class.But sadly next year we're all going to different classes. :( I know you'll miss me too WEELEH!
So once again, Happy birthday my awesome Panda/Whale/Theonewiththeretardedbaby friend. :D
Well, the holiday's been a bit of a bore although there were some good times. I haven't been going out that much with the usual either so I've been staying at home alot. My everyday scehdule seems to be like this:
12.00PM - 2.00PM : I wake up some time around here. 2.30PM - 7.00PM : DOTA, TV, or go out with friends/family. 7.30PM - 9.00PM : I have my dinner around these times and after that I get back on the com or watch tv. 9.30PM - 1.30AM : COMMMPPPUUUUTTAAAH! 1.30AM - 5.00AM : TV and from 4.ooAM i go back to the come. 5.30AM : Sleep.
*Repeat from the first line of the schedule.
Thats my current "holiday" life. Call me lifeless, but there's only so much to do when you're at home or when there's nothing to do.
Oh, and I finally got my lip pierced last week. It's fckin troublesome cause every morning, the stud ( on the inside) will sink into the lip, and I have to push it out. Hurts like hell but it has to be done so the skin doesn't grow over it. Suprisingly, the piercing costs only RM60. I was prepared to pay atleast RM120 when I did it. My mum told me I'm not allowed to get anymore piercings. Haha, we'll see.
PMR results are coming out on the 24th. I think I'm gonna be fucked -.-. But if God decides to bless me for once, I can get my new guitar! :DDDDDD
Well, I'm not sure how to explain the rest of my holiday.....So I won't!
An awesome song. It's by a metal band but its NOT a metal song.
Haih. I guess everything just isn't going my way lately. =\ I'm feeling even more stressed out than before PMR (I don't think I was stressed anyway).
I guess everythings just hitting me all at once and I don't have anyone I trust to talk too. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but I don't really think talking to them about problems is a good idea. Usually I'll just get over whatever but right now, its not something for me to get over. The only relief to my problems is late night TV/computer; facebook. I'm just gona go to my bed and emo now.
Sorry for such an emo post, just needed to have a letout for my emo'ness somewhere.
I'm bored. I was supposed to go out today but I've got no money. I want to go to AC tomorrow with Chee Song but I have no money. Nothing much to blog about anyways. I need some new TV series to watch. Anyone can lend me a couple of DVD's?
Oh, and I think Nik and "You know who" are together. Haha, I think its pretty good, seing that she's not some kind of huge form 1 beast like before. Don't worry indon, we are here for you. =D
Hello people, it's been a long time since I've updated on what I've been up to. Well, I'm too lazy to tell y'all anyways. I can also tell this blog is starting to get really really boring, (or maybe it was in the first place) but I'll just try.
The past few weeks have been really boring, due to the fact that mum doesn't let me go out that much now. I've been going to school almost everyday. but sadly, there aren't much people who bother to come.
I'm too lazy to update any further, well I don't have anything to blog about anyways.
Oh and last but LEAST.....
. .. ... .... ..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FAT AH MA!!... It's your birthday, so eat as much as possible and grow FATTER! Heh, you know I'm just joking.
And I don't have a present for you, so the next time if we go out I will belanja you another 7-UP. =D
And good luck on your stupid SPM. Remember, SPM is more afraid of you than you are of it.
14 going 15 this October 10th. Im currently in 3Omega with the best classmates anyone could possibly have (with some exceptions). Im chindian and I enjoy playing guitar very much. Im a metal head and i love anything from rock/metal fusion to death metal.