Saturday, October 24, 2009



Hidden Entrance fail.

This is Nik's friend. He is Indon.

Sign fail.


Is that so?

One only la friend.


Stupid Japs.

Dog fail.


"Waiter, one tomato fried the egg please!"

Weelee. Nuff said.

But water is good for your health. =(


"We've got some 'Old Japan Meat' if you still want some.

I don't think we should put anything solid in our head...


Haha, sign fail.

Clothes for Jun Jie.

Add Video

South Park was right.

You just had a nigger moment

Eh mahathir, your friend ah?

Double Kill!


Kid Sex Change.


epic fail.

Lock fail.

Parking fail.

Flavor fail.

Government got owned.

Look carefully, his arm is looong.

You got owned.

I pitty the plumbers.

Public toilet fail.

Helmet fail.

Camel toe

Stupidity. Is there an end to it?


Get a care. Dumass. Motorcycle fail.

I'll never pick my nose again.

HOV. High Occupancy Vehicle.

Nature Fail.


Indian fail. -.-

Personal trainers are too personal.


Sign fail.

Ass in the face.

Facing the ass.

Heard of a laptop?

Bat Swing fail.


Stupid product.

I pitty his wife.

Job fail.


Its FTZ.


No gas ah? LOL


Get a grip lady.

Lending a hand.

"Its just a finger mommy."

Couples these days...

Virus protection.

Tennis fail.

You ran the SOTP sign again.

Get drunk.

Cinema fail.


Watch out Santa!

Yea la Mahathir.

Its a conspiracy. Just look at the name on the van.

Tana's father.

Women are so complicated.

Ain't that funny anyways. Was just looking for a way to kill time. =p

Ciao. =D

Friday, October 23, 2009

Will never understand you

All I said was one sentence, and I didn't even say it to you, and yet, you managed to make it into such a big issue and get everyone to hate me. Well, its ok then, i don't like having pointless arguments, you can continue arguing with yourself and complaining to my "friends" if you want.

P.S, feel free to comment on my cbox, its free for all. EVEN YOU.

Oh and also, just because I blocked you and find you annoying doesn't mean I hate you. Maybe you should stop jumping to conclusions.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Is that so?

Haro peeper.

Today is the second last day of PMR. PMR isn't really that hard. It just takes a little bit of studying and thats all really.

Well we had maths and sejarah today. Maths was easy. I didn't think it would be though, considering the amount of careless mistakes I usually make, but I think I did pretty well. I hope so atleast. Our next paper was sejarah, at 2.10, so we went to Mcd for lunch. We thought the guard was going to stop us cause the last time we tried to go out, he said we needed permission from Roland. But today, he just wanted to take a look at my name tag, and then we were allowed to roam arround. =)

Sejarah, was pretty OK. I was lucky to have so many easy questions come out. I mean, I knew alot of the questions. I never really do that well for sejarah, so a B would be fine with me.

Exam finished at 3.25 and we lepak'ed at our usual spot. Laughed our ass off for 30 minutes before I ciao-ed. I love that spot. Lots of good things happen there. =)

Tomorrows paper is KEMAHIRAN HIDUP! I have never studied for it in my life. To be honest, I'm already on holiday mode. I can't be bothered by the next paper at all. I just want it to be over so I can go to Sunway and do our usual "stuff". P.S, its not smoking, just incase you were wondering. -.-

Oh and, Nik said he might be changing school next year. Nik can't go! He's my jokes partner! We come up with all the stupid stories and jokes whenever we sit next to eachother. Just like the latih tubi. Every latih tubi, Nik and I will sit together and make up insulting stories about the teacher, the students, or basically anything funny looking that we can set our eyes upon. The ones that still last till today are, "Helium! Respusha! and SOGGAY!". Dam, if he leaves then all this will be gone. =(

Nik, if you are reading this, you must know, there is no Kayu Balak in Penang! They only have Kelapa Sawit! And the Kelapa Sawit business is already being taken over by the Polar Camels! =O. Nik, you can't go, you'd be risking your life against the polar camels. I dont want you to die Nik, its too early for you. You can die when you're 30 years old and I've forgotten about you, unless we're still friends by then. But if we aren't, please, feel free to die. =)

Also remember to wear your face mask, Polar Camels can't recognize you with a face mask on! Please refer to my previous post. Which one? I dont know. Find out yourself, its about 2-3 posts below this one.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

She's HOT!! O.O

She's been voted hottest woman in metal? Well, its some good stuff, check it out.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hey! Guess what day is it today!? Its 10th of October baby! And today is the day that....


Well its the anniversary anyway. I'm sure you guys know that right? Thats why 10th of October is so special. =)


Friday, October 2, 2009


Dear readers, as we all know, our earth is being attacked by a deadly "thingy". It is announced on every radio station and the number of cases and deaths just keep increasing. Is there no stop to this madness?

I am of course, talking about...

They are a dangerous species of the camel that has evolved from the original camel that was originally from the middle east. Due to some retarded form of mutation and adaptation, the camel had evolved into a white, furry speicies of the animal.

Founder and main researcher of the polar camels, Mr.Dr.Tun.Datuk.Mohd. Mahathir bin Jeffrey says that this all happened when two camels decided to go to Greenland for no reason. Due to the cold weather, they covered themselves in wool which they obtained by killing many species of "Nicholas" (an endangered species which is protected by the STNF). They used super glue to stick in onto themselves and then reproduced in a nearby cave. And then, the unexpected happened. A retarded camel baby with white fur, was born. After that it mated with its sisters and then reproduced so many times that the number of Polar Camels now exceed the population of the humans. Something must be done

The Polar Camels have agreed to take over the world. Their leader, Lord Umplufa, announced on National TV that the Polar Camels are spreading across the world, destroying and killing every human in their path, while listening to "War Ensemble-SLAYER" to motivate them.

The Government has put all its efforts in protecting our country, but there are already over a thousand cases of Polar Camel attacks here in Malaysia.

So please remember to wear your face mask, the Polar Camels cant recognize you if you are wearing one.

P.S, I did not come up with Polar Camels, they are VERY REAL. They were founded by Mohd.Mahathir while doing a geography test. Bye! =D