Well, firstly, happy merdeka to everyone. Hope you enjoy this one day before going back to school, especially those in my form, who are sitting for PMR trials now. I hope you guys are ready, I'm not, I barely studied this holidays eventhough i told myself I would. Well, I can gurantee an A for a couple of subjects though, but I need to revise abit more on the rest. I hope I can get nothing less than a B for all subjects (with an exception for KH).
Me and terence just had a stupid conversation about a cat named "Dog" and we kept arguing over the Wall-E. He kept saying Wall-E is a lizard and i said it was a robot. It was a fuckin stupid arguement, but it helped to relieve boredom and kill time.
5.27 now, Im gonna go watch tv, too lazy to sleep.
Enjoy yourselves kids, and remember not to do anything naughty ;)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Yes, my mother, is annoying me again. I dont understand what she wants. I just washed all the dishes...about 15+ things including forks and spoons. Even after washing all that crap she still shouts at me. You see, if no one does it, then she will go on and on about her always having to do everything. And so I help her, and what do I get in return? Shouting and a mother going psycho in the hall. No, I dont hate my mum, but she seriously needs to control her anger. She has the worst temper in the house I would say.
Well after all these years, I've developed some kind of mechanism in my brain that can tolerate all that shouting and nagging. But thank god she's going back to Kedah tomorow. If not my Saturday and Sunday would be completely spoiled.
Not much to update about yesterday. After all, the holidays are boring and I have nothing interesting to blog about.
Today, woke up at 7.30 to get ready for tuition. Was my replacement class and I didn't want to do it from 1-3 cause I wanted to keep my afternoon free.
Came home, computered until 6.00 and slept.
I've barely studied during this holidays. Just dont have the mood.
Oh, and my mum is throwing a tantrum in the kitchen, slamming all the cabinet doors after opening them. Why can't she just chill? She always says I have a bad temper but I've learned to control it. Why can't she just take her own advice for once? Thats the thing about people, give advice but dont take it or even follow their own advice.asd
Was so bored I decided to poke those needles into my thumb
Well after all these years, I've developed some kind of mechanism in my brain that can tolerate all that shouting and nagging. But thank god she's going back to Kedah tomorow. If not my Saturday and Sunday would be completely spoiled.
Enough with that anyway. Yesterday I went to The Curve with my mum and sister. Had brunch and went to check out some new dining tables. Mum forced me to cut my looong thumb nail. Well it's about time it goes anyway. Rushed to badminton straight from The Curve. Was feeling so tired but got motivation from watching this new Klang Under-15 champion play.
Not much to update about yesterday. After all, the holidays are boring and I have nothing interesting to blog about.
Today, woke up at 7.30 to get ready for tuition. Was my replacement class and I didn't want to do it from 1-3 cause I wanted to keep my afternoon free.
Came home, computered until 6.00 and slept.
I've barely studied during this holidays. Just dont have the mood.
Oh, and my mum is throwing a tantrum in the kitchen, slamming all the cabinet doors after opening them. Why can't she just chill? She always says I have a bad temper but I've learned to control it. Why can't she just take her own advice for once? Thats the thing about people, give advice but dont take it or even follow their own advice.asd
Was so bored I decided to poke those needles into my thumb
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Kanye West likes fish sticks.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you.At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1. last beverage = Milk
2. last phone call = Terence
3. last text message = Tuition Teacher
4. last song you listened to = The Serpentine Offering - Dimmu Borgir
5. last time you cried = Looooooooong ago
6. dated someone twice = nope
7. been cheated on = nope
8. kissed someone & regretted it = nope
9. lost someone special = yes
10. been depressed = sometimes (no iPHONE! =O) inside joke...
11. been drunk and threw up = i control my drinking. =D
12. black
13. navy black
14. dark black
15. Made a new friend = yup
16. Fallen out of love = hehehee
17. Laughed until you cried = everyday
18. Met someone who changed you = yeah
19. Found out who your true friends were = yup
20. Found out someone was talking about you = nope
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = MANY....guys
22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = 75%?
24. Do you have any pets = House Flies
25. Do you want to change your name = Abdul Muhammad Jabar Rauf Kareem Ali
26. What did you do for your last birthday = went to Sunway with a some close friends and ate Carls Jr.
27. What time did you wake up today = 11.30
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = DOTA-ing
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = PMR to be over and PANGKOR!
30. Last time you saw your Mother = Couple of seconds ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = many many things. But namely...my height?
32. What are you listening to right now = The sound of silence.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Yes
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = Parents, stresss, people.
35. Most visited webpage = Youtube.
36. Where you want to be right now = Suprisingly, school.
37. Nicknames = Keling, Chinakeling, retard, fucktard, metal faggot, and many more. =D
38. Relationship Status = Taken by a flying Princess riding a unicorn to Never-Never Land.
39. Zodiac sign = Libra
40. Male or female? = Heman.
41. Elementary? = There were three. Can only remember Q-Dees.
42. Middle school = Seli Kuala Lumpur
43. Hair colour = Brown/Black
44. Long or short = Short
46. Height = 165-166
47. Do you have a crush on someone = >:)
48. What do you like aboNope = No idea.
50. Tattoos = When I have the cash.
51. Righty or lefty = Lefty
52. First surgery = Healthy as a horse.
53. First piercing = Last year december.
54. First best friend = KEN JI! Still remember his name. Ahh, memories.
55. First kiss = Mother of course. lolz
56. First vacation = Temasik
57. First crush = I remember. But none of your business :\
59. Eating = Flied Kueh Tiao
60.Drinking = Milk
61. I'm about to = Study
62. Listening to = The sound of silence.
63. Waiting for = Tuition later.
64. Want kids? = 2-3 will do.
65. Get married = Of Course
66. Career = Musician/Biologist
67. Lips or eyes = Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses = Kisses
69. Shorter or taller = Taller
70. Older or Younger = Younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous = Both
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Both
73. Sensitive or loud = Loud
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Trouble maker is nice xD
76. Kissed a stranger = Nope
77. Drank hard liquor = Yup
78. Lost glasses/contacts = Lost my mums one when I was younger.
79. Sex on first date = Depends
80. Broken someone's heart = dont know?
81. Had your own heart broken = Yup.
82. Been arrested = I'm a good boy.
83. Turned someone down = Yes?
84. Cried when someone died = My hamster. Last year. =(
85. Fallen for a friend? = Yup. Long time ago.
86. Yourself = Nope
87. Miracles = Nope. Luck is everything.
88. Love at first sight = Crush at first sight?
89. Heaven = Yes. Satan told me so.
90. Santa Claus = Satan Clause will do. =p
91. Kiss on the first date = Yup.
93. Had more than one bf/gf?= Never. =D
95.Did you sing today? = Nope.
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = Nope.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? = 6 Years old.
Change everything that went wrong there and live a happy life. =D
98. Are you afraid of falling in love with somebody else? = Nope.
100. Posting this as 100 truths? = Nope
Where's 94?
Can't be bothered to tag anyone. Just do it yourself if you want to. =P
1. last beverage = Milk
2. last phone call = Terence
3. last text message = Tuition Teacher
4. last song you listened to = The Serpentine Offering - Dimmu Borgir
5. last time you cried = Looooooooong ago
6. dated someone twice = nope
7. been cheated on = nope
8. kissed someone & regretted it = nope
9. lost someone special = yes
10. been depressed = sometimes (no iPHONE! =O) inside joke...
11. been drunk and threw up = i control my drinking. =D
12. black
13. navy black
14. dark black
15. Made a new friend = yup
16. Fallen out of love = hehehee
17. Laughed until you cried = everyday
18. Met someone who changed you = yeah
19. Found out who your true friends were = yup
20. Found out someone was talking about you = nope
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = MANY....guys
22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = 75%?
24. Do you have any pets = House Flies
25. Do you want to change your name = Abdul Muhammad Jabar Rauf Kareem Ali
26. What did you do for your last birthday = went to Sunway with a some close friends and ate Carls Jr.
27. What time did you wake up today = 11.30
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = DOTA-ing
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = PMR to be over and PANGKOR!
30. Last time you saw your Mother = Couple of seconds ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = many many things. But namely...my height?
32. What are you listening to right now = The sound of silence.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Yes
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = Parents, stresss, people.
35. Most visited webpage = Youtube.
36. Where you want to be right now = Suprisingly, school.
37. Nicknames = Keling, Chinakeling, retard, fucktard, metal faggot, and many more. =D
38. Relationship Status = Taken by a flying Princess riding a unicorn to Never-Never Land.
39. Zodiac sign = Libra
40. Male or female? = Heman.
41. Elementary? = There were three. Can only remember Q-Dees.
42. Middle school = Seli Kuala Lumpur
43. Hair colour = Brown/Black
44. Long or short = Short
46. Height = 165-166
47. Do you have a crush on someone = >:)
48. What do you like aboNope = No idea.
50. Tattoos = When I have the cash.
51. Righty or lefty = Lefty
52. First surgery = Healthy as a horse.
53. First piercing = Last year december.
54. First best friend = KEN JI! Still remember his name. Ahh, memories.
55. First kiss = Mother of course. lolz
56. First vacation = Temasik
57. First crush = I remember. But none of your business :\
59. Eating = Flied Kueh Tiao
60.Drinking = Milk
61. I'm about to = Study
62. Listening to = The sound of silence.
63. Waiting for = Tuition later.
64. Want kids? = 2-3 will do.
65. Get married = Of Course
66. Career = Musician/Biologist
67. Lips or eyes = Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses = Kisses
69. Shorter or taller = Taller
70. Older or Younger = Younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous = Both
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Both
73. Sensitive or loud = Loud
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Trouble maker is nice xD
76. Kissed a stranger = Nope
77. Drank hard liquor = Yup
78. Lost glasses/contacts = Lost my mums one when I was younger.
79. Sex on first date = Depends
80. Broken someone's heart = dont know?
81. Had your own heart broken = Yup.
82. Been arrested = I'm a good boy.
83. Turned someone down = Yes?
84. Cried when someone died = My hamster. Last year. =(
85. Fallen for a friend? = Yup. Long time ago.
86. Yourself = Nope
87. Miracles = Nope. Luck is everything.
88. Love at first sight = Crush at first sight?
89. Heaven = Yes. Satan told me so.
90. Santa Claus = Satan Clause will do. =p
91. Kiss on the first date = Yup.
93. Had more than one bf/gf?= Never. =D
95.Did you sing today? = Nope.
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = Nope.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? = 6 Years old.
Change everything that went wrong there and live a happy life. =D
98. Are you afraid of falling in love with somebody else? = Nope.
100. Posting this as 100 truths? = Nope
Where's 94?
Can't be bothered to tag anyone. Just do it yourself if you want to. =P
Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup
I LOVE THEM! Heh. One of my favorite childhood tv cartoons.
Today was again, boring as hell. I wonder if anyone out there is actually enjoying their holidays? I'll bet the 3 Lambda and Alpha students are bored with their 3 week holiday.
Was awoken by my mum this morning at 12.00 and told to get ready to go out. Was dam sleepy. Took my bath and felt better. Jammed on the guitar for awhile while waiting for the rest to get ready. I really need a new guitar -.-. The strings wear out way too fast on my Yamaha Pacifica "given" to me by my ex-guitar teacher. Or maybe i just overuse it. No idea, but I seriously need a new one.
I feel so proud of myself! I actualy learned the "Beat It" solo. MJ's song but with Eddie Van Halen performing as a guest on it. One of the awsomest rock solo's i've heard actually. I wanna post a video up, but my current guitar sucks and my strings need to be changed eventhough I just changed em 2 weeks ago.
Here's how the solo sounds like:
After lunch we all went grocery shopping at a supermarket in Tropicana. Came home, dota-ed with terence until 7 then stoned and listened to music. Yes, my day was wasted and I didn't bother to study.
Well, I've really nothin else to talk about so...CIAO.
Today was again, boring as hell. I wonder if anyone out there is actually enjoying their holidays? I'll bet the 3 Lambda and Alpha students are bored with their 3 week holiday.
Was awoken by my mum this morning at 12.00 and told to get ready to go out. Was dam sleepy. Took my bath and felt better. Jammed on the guitar for awhile while waiting for the rest to get ready. I really need a new guitar -.-. The strings wear out way too fast on my Yamaha Pacifica "given" to me by my ex-guitar teacher. Or maybe i just overuse it. No idea, but I seriously need a new one.
I feel so proud of myself! I actualy learned the "Beat It" solo. MJ's song but with Eddie Van Halen performing as a guest on it. One of the awsomest rock solo's i've heard actually. I wanna post a video up, but my current guitar sucks and my strings need to be changed eventhough I just changed em 2 weeks ago.
Here's how the solo sounds like:
After lunch we all went grocery shopping at a supermarket in Tropicana. Came home, dota-ed with terence until 7 then stoned and listened to music. Yes, my day was wasted and I didn't bother to study.
Well, I've really nothin else to talk about so...CIAO.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Dont judge a book by its cover, judge it by its name.
Hello there. Finaly the long awaited Saturday is here.
Woke up around 12.00 today. Read papers and stuff and watched tv. They were showing Everybody Loves Raymond today. I used to love that show. It was awsome. After that did some guitaring. Tried practicing 6-string sweeps but FAILED. Well its coming. Just need to be patient.
After that had tuition. My tuition teacher, Anthony, is awsome. Lol, he's dam funny and he loves to eat (but he's not fat). Last week him and his 5 friends went out and spent 1.5k at a japanese restaurant at Pavillion. I think it was Kampachi? Ate there once. Food is awsome. And they have a scallop bar. There's a pretty big scallop there which costs RM56 for just one. Expensive, expensive.....
After tuition I dota-ed for a few hours cause I was bored and went for dinner.
Ate at an awsome chinese restuarant. The mongolian chicken and Sarawakian Butter Prawn(recomended by my tuition teacher) is freakin good. If you wanna eat there I'll give you the name, just text me. Oh and the owner has a small ice cream bar in which you can take ice cream for FREE and you can take as much as you want. Yea the owners like really friendly and all. My mum and him had a chat about upbringing children in Malaysia or some crap like that.
After dinner, we went for a drive around Putra Heights and went to see the development of our new house. Sadly it will only be ready by February 2011. Can't wait tho.
And now I'm here! =D
This is a song I came accross a couple of weeks back when looking for some metal songs. It has a nice guitar solo at the end and awsome double pedal. Enjoy.
Woke up around 12.00 today. Read papers and stuff and watched tv. They were showing Everybody Loves Raymond today. I used to love that show. It was awsome. After that did some guitaring. Tried practicing 6-string sweeps but FAILED. Well its coming. Just need to be patient.
After that had tuition. My tuition teacher, Anthony, is awsome. Lol, he's dam funny and he loves to eat (but he's not fat). Last week him and his 5 friends went out and spent 1.5k at a japanese restaurant at Pavillion. I think it was Kampachi? Ate there once. Food is awsome. And they have a scallop bar. There's a pretty big scallop there which costs RM56 for just one. Expensive, expensive.....
After tuition I dota-ed for a few hours cause I was bored and went for dinner.
Ate at an awsome chinese restuarant. The mongolian chicken and Sarawakian Butter Prawn(recomended by my tuition teacher) is freakin good. If you wanna eat there I'll give you the name, just text me. Oh and the owner has a small ice cream bar in which you can take ice cream for FREE and you can take as much as you want. Yea the owners like really friendly and all. My mum and him had a chat about upbringing children in Malaysia or some crap like that.
After dinner, we went for a drive around Putra Heights and went to see the development of our new house. Sadly it will only be ready by February 2011. Can't wait tho.
And now I'm here! =D
This is a song I came accross a couple of weeks back when looking for some metal songs. It has a nice guitar solo at the end and awsome double pedal. Enjoy.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Fuzzy Fuzzy Cute Cute
Had no other title anyway.
Today was kinda boring cause Nik and Terence my two gay partners didn't come. Atleast I had Mahatir to tell all my bullshit to. Whole day was pretty much boring except for P.E. Wore my old Adidas shoe that i used for badminton to play futsal and the front part broke off (well it was coming off already anyways).
After that had 2 free periods. During moral Mr. Ching didn't teach and during chinese the "sad-excuse-for-a-teacher" teacher didn't come so we pretty much just sat down and listened to music while crapping.
Oh and, Nina pinched Nigel's nipples cause he tried to see how far he could spit and it nearly touched her pencil box.
After that went to AC to eat crispy chicken rice. Met up with Chen Hui there and went to JS. Was a sad day for CC-ing. Just didn't have the mood since Gary and Shaun couldn't get a com and I didn't get to finish even 1 match.
Well, im freakin bored right now and I think i'll sleep soon if i've got no one else to chat with.
Today was kinda boring cause Nik and Terence my two gay partners didn't come. Atleast I had Mahatir to tell all my bullshit to. Whole day was pretty much boring except for P.E. Wore my old Adidas shoe that i used for badminton to play futsal and the front part broke off (well it was coming off already anyways).
After that had 2 free periods. During moral Mr. Ching didn't teach and during chinese the "sad-excuse-for-a-teacher" teacher didn't come so we pretty much just sat down and listened to music while crapping.
Oh and, Nina pinched Nigel's nipples cause he tried to see how far he could spit and it nearly touched her pencil box.
After that went to AC to eat crispy chicken rice. Met up with Chen Hui there and went to JS. Was a sad day for CC-ing. Just didn't have the mood since Gary and Shaun couldn't get a com and I didn't get to finish even 1 match.
Well, im freakin bored right now and I think i'll sleep soon if i've got no one else to chat with.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
1st Real Post
Hello people! Sorry i couldn't update last night. Mum didn't want me using the computer so i had no choice.
Just came back from badminton training. Damn im tired. Well, i've just finished bathing and here i am.
Well, school was awsome today (when is it not?) except in the morning when Mr. Kao didn't come and Mr. Lingam took over. Boringness for 2 Hours. Oh, and i "collected" his pass. Im trying to get as many as possible before the year is over. =p
Oh yeah, and Gary got pissed at Kah Ming just now cause we've been calling this form 2 kid "Gary's brother" as he looks like Gary and he has a "something" which Gary also has. So, Kah Ming repeatedly said "Eh Gary, your brother weh!" even after Gary warned him not to as he was annoyed by it already. So Gary threw a plate at Kah Ming and then it started, but was shortly interupted by Chen Hui who did something stupid and funny which ended the verbal fight.
But now everythings ok between those two cause Kah Ming apologized.
After break we had BM which was kinda fun as I sat between Nigel and Terence and we played a "game". Lol it was freaking funny. Especialy when Terence did that "big-eyed-gay-face" thingy.
Then Ms.Kova scolded me for something I said but I hadn't said anything. It was actualy Nik, who shouted something in an indian accent and Ms.Kova thought it was me.
Geo was ok. Nothing special, except for the fact that Kah Ming kept cracking jokes non-stop.
I think Mr.Ng was pissed cause we were making so much noise and he kept telling us to keep quiet.
Chinese? Some boring shit happened.
Art was freaking fun. Nik, Nigel, Wee Lee, See Tiem and I sat at the same table. I used See Tiem's phone to play Brain Juice and i finaly got "Cheetah" twice =D. Then we drew some rubbish about how all our children would look like and crap like that.
Towards the end of the period, I got high and slide tackled Nik from the back. He nearly fell but was smart enough to grab on to the table infront of him. Then Mahatir came and stood at the same spot. Me and Nik slide tackled him. Nik went first and he tripped Mahatir a little. Then I came and "slided" the other leg and he fell flat on his bottom. It was EPIC.
And Mr. Tana gave us alot of homework to do during the holidays. Well, I was ok with it as I knew I would not be studying much of sejarah this holiday, but since he gave the homework, atleast i can revise more on it.
After school, me Nik and Terence did our usual stuff and all at the bus stop.
Went for badminton. Trained, played about 6 or 7 sets and was quite satisfied as my speed has improved =D
Oh btw, I'll be linking you people A.S.A.P.
And I'll be posting metal songs at the end of my post for some of you metal heads and friends who come visit. I'll try my best not to post any mainstream bands and find new songs for you guys.

Came across this song few weeks ago when searching for songs for "Tap-Tap Revenge" on my sisters phone. Current score is 470,000 or so. =D
Btw, i've no idea what the video's about. But the songs good.
Just came back from badminton training. Damn im tired. Well, i've just finished bathing and here i am.
Well, school was awsome today (when is it not?) except in the morning when Mr. Kao didn't come and Mr. Lingam took over. Boringness for 2 Hours. Oh, and i "collected" his pass. Im trying to get as many as possible before the year is over. =p
Oh yeah, and Gary got pissed at Kah Ming just now cause we've been calling this form 2 kid "Gary's brother" as he looks like Gary and he has a "something" which Gary also has. So, Kah Ming repeatedly said "Eh Gary, your brother weh!" even after Gary warned him not to as he was annoyed by it already. So Gary threw a plate at Kah Ming and then it started, but was shortly interupted by Chen Hui who did something stupid and funny which ended the verbal fight.
But now everythings ok between those two cause Kah Ming apologized.
After break we had BM which was kinda fun as I sat between Nigel and Terence and we played a "game". Lol it was freaking funny. Especialy when Terence did that "big-eyed-gay-face" thingy.
Then Ms.Kova scolded me for something I said but I hadn't said anything. It was actualy Nik, who shouted something in an indian accent and Ms.Kova thought it was me.
Geo was ok. Nothing special, except for the fact that Kah Ming kept cracking jokes non-stop.
I think Mr.Ng was pissed cause we were making so much noise and he kept telling us to keep quiet.
Chinese? Some boring shit happened.
Art was freaking fun. Nik, Nigel, Wee Lee, See Tiem and I sat at the same table. I used See Tiem's phone to play Brain Juice and i finaly got "Cheetah" twice =D. Then we drew some rubbish about how all our children would look like and crap like that.
Towards the end of the period, I got high and slide tackled Nik from the back. He nearly fell but was smart enough to grab on to the table infront of him. Then Mahatir came and stood at the same spot. Me and Nik slide tackled him. Nik went first and he tripped Mahatir a little. Then I came and "slided" the other leg and he fell flat on his bottom. It was EPIC.
And Mr. Tana gave us alot of homework to do during the holidays. Well, I was ok with it as I knew I would not be studying much of sejarah this holiday, but since he gave the homework, atleast i can revise more on it.
After school, me Nik and Terence did our usual stuff and all at the bus stop.
Went for badminton. Trained, played about 6 or 7 sets and was quite satisfied as my speed has improved =D
Oh btw, I'll be linking you people A.S.A.P.
And I'll be posting metal songs at the end of my post for some of you metal heads and friends who come visit. I'll try my best not to post any mainstream bands and find new songs for you guys.
Fatty trying to get some sleep =D
Came across this song few weeks ago when searching for songs for "Tap-Tap Revenge" on my sisters phone. Current score is 470,000 or so. =D
Btw, i've no idea what the video's about. But the songs good.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Welcome to a faggoty blog
Well, this is my first ever blog. Dont expect much as I am new to blogging and I will be quite busy for the next 2 months studying for the inevitable PMR examination. Hope you enjoy your stay and come back.
Thank You.
Will be updating shortly, come back after 10.00 pm.
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